Aluminum Foil: How to use aluminum foil, expert explained the method

Aluminum Foil: How to use aluminum foil, expert explained the method

Today, aluminum foil is used in most Indian kitchens. Be it keeping food at home or going on a trip, Indians use aluminum foil everywhere for children’s tiffin boxes. But do you know what is the correct way to use aluminum foil and how to pack food. 

Use of aluminum foil

Let us tell you that one part of the aluminum foil is dull and the other is shiny. But while packing their lunch, most of the people do not know which part to keep on top or inside. To find out which side is better in this case, a media organization has spoken to a senior nutritionist.
He told that from the point of view of nutrition and food safety, aluminum foil is better when used for cooking or storage. There is no significant difference between the dull and shiny sides. He said that this difference in aluminum foil is due to the making process. It does not affect the safety or health aspects of the food that comes in contact with either side of the foil.

Can be used in any way

Let us tell you According to a senior neurologist, using aluminum foil on both sides does not have any significant effect on the food. The use of the dull or shiny side of aluminum foil for wrapping or cooking foods does not inherently affect the nutritional value or composition of the foods. The cooking method (for example, baking or grilling) and the ingredients themselves have a far greater impact on the nutritional outcome than the edge of the foil used.

According to senior nutritionists, cooking or storage The primary health concerns related to the use of aluminum foil in the U.S. include the potential transfer of aluminum into food. However, this transfer is very rare and is generally considered safe by health officials. According to the senior neurologist the choice between using the dull or shiny side does not significantly affect this factor. The slight risk of aluminum transfer is more related to cooking highly acidic or salty foods, which can lead to more aluminum leaching into the food.


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